推广 热搜: 办公楼  污水处理厂  建筑图纸    宿舍楼  农村自建房  教学楼  广告牌  住宅楼  光伏 


上传会员: 逗比 图纸格式: dwg 文件大小: 发布日期: 2020-01-02 收藏
下载数量: 累计下载 0 关注人数: 已有 82 人关注 评论人数: 已有 0 条评价 所需筑图币: 筑图币:1.00

关键词 框架;结构设计;内力计算;内力组合;桩基础
This project is a dormitory design of a concrete frame construction. In the part of the frame calculation under vertical loads the frame is irregular which contain 3 layers and 3 span. Carried out to estimate the size of column section. The design of structure is made up of a frame calculation under vertical loads, the calculation of wind load under horizontal loads, the association of internal farces ,disposing steel bar for beams and column, two-way slab calculation, and pile foundation calculation.
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