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上传会员: 梦寒 图纸格式: dwg 文件大小: 发布日期: 2023-04-18 收藏
下载数量: 累计下载 0 关注人数: 已有 20 人关注 评论人数: 已有 0 条评价 所需筑图币: 筑图币:5.00






base on the data of  O-river hydraulic project ,I designed the dam totally,including the layout of engineering,the design of discharge construction by storage routing which fixed on the characteristic stage of  the reservoir.The progresss of the construction was planned .the factors of  economic ,technology and safety are considered in the design.The optimum plan was finally selected.


【KEY-WORDS】:earth and rock dam,  damsite selection ,choice of dam type,  soil design, filtration routing,stability analysis,discharge  construction,construction planning.




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