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混凝土结构基本原理 PDF版刘立新

   日期:2020-02-12     文件格式:pdf     浏览:536    评论:0    
This book is based on the newly reviewed code in China “Code for design of concrete structure” (GB50010—2002) and the teaching program for civil engineering. It containts:mechanical properties of reinforced concrete materials,basic principles for the design of reinforced concrete structures,flexural strength of members,shear strength of members,torsional strength of members,compressive strength of members,tensile strength of members,crack and deflection control of reinforced concrete members and prestressed concrete members. The velevant introduction in Chinese is attached at the end of the book. The book can not only be served as bilingual textbook of “Concrete Structural Fundamentals” for university and college students of civil engineering,but book may be also served as a reference for technicians,researchers and foreign students of civil engineering.


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